Our story


My name is Cory, I'm the creator/owner of FlyBye Clothing. I'm from Whitecap Dakota Sioux First Nations Reserve in Saskatchewan. I started this company in early 2020 with change in mind. Ive always been proud of where I came from, always into fashion, different colours and looks we as indigenous people implement in our ceremonies and gatherings. Having a brand to represent us first nations people around Canada is the ultimate goal. Thats why I created FlyBye Clothing, to show and find a way to come together to help the less fortunate communities and reserves around Canada, by expressing our culture and great history through the clothing, to be our own voice! 

FlyBye Clothing is an Indigenous owned streetwear brand that reflects the interest of First Nations traditional culture and history. Our Acronym and company values for FlyBye Clothing are: Family Life Youth Balance Your Emotions. Our company values are formed into logos, trendy slogans and also introducing new products and innovation through clothing.

So we can give back to our communities around Canada, to create more opportunities for the future generations to come, also to come together in peace and unite and create with each other. 

Our focus for FlyBye Clothing is based around sustainability and to design products with recovery in mind. The purpose intends to source our fabrics through regenerative loops, rather than linear flows to mitigate damaging effects on our society and the environment around us.